Bush tr2003 dab radio manual
Bush tr2003 dab radio manual

bush tr2003 dab radio manual

The currently available multi-core PCI Express systems running LabVIEW RT ( real-time), equipped with FPGA cards for data acquisition and real-time parallel signal processing, greatly shorten the design and implementation cycles of large-scale, real-time data acquisition and control systems. For this application, the hybrid configuration segments low from high-level control for ease of maintenance and provided a low-cost upgrade from dated high-level control hardwareĭata acquisition and real-time bolometer tomography using LabVIEW RT Communication between the high- and low-level units is carried out via a Jorway 73A SCSI-CAMAC crate controller and a serial interface. A SUN Microsystems UNIX workstation is used for high-level control, allowing an easily extensible user interface in an X-Windows environment, as well as real-time communications to the low-level acquisition units. Low-level data acquisition is carried out in this system using eight LeCroy 3588 histogrammers, which together after derandomization, acquire events at rates up to 4 MHz, and two dedicated Motorola 6809 microprocessors, which arbitrate fine timing control during acquisition. They detail this architecture as it has been implemented for control of the Donner 600-Crystal Positron Tomograph (PET600). The system combines the high-level programming simplicity and user interface of a UNIX workstation with the low-level timing control available from conventional real-time hardware. The authors describe a hybrid data acquisition architecture integrating a conventional UNIX workstation with CAMAC-based real-time hardware. The hybrid UNIX controller for real-time data acquisition

bush tr2003 dab radio manual

We present the results of the evaluation, in a realistic application environment, of a Real-Time UNIX operating system: the EP/LX real-time UNIX system. Real-time UNIX seems, today, the best solution for the platform independence, operating system interface standards and real-time features necessary for data acquisition in HEP experiments. Multi-level triggering, hierarchical data collection and an always increasing amount of processing power, distributed throughout the data acquisition layers, will impose a number of features on the software environment, especially the need for a high level of standardization. Today's experimentation in high energy physics is characterized by an increasing need for sensitivity to rare phenomena and complex physics signatures, which require the use of huge and sophisticated detectors and consequently a high performance readout and data acquisition. International Nuclear Information System (INIS)īuono, S.

Bush tr2003 dab radio manual